Monitoring tailored for everybody

Exciting times are in the pipeline for Netumo. Today we have released a couple of minor features based on feedback from our customers to help everybody have more customized monitoring experience.

Domains monitor – Notify Before

Domain renewal notifications can now be customized to be sent the required number of days prior to the actual domain expiration. This can be as short as 1 day to larger with the maximum value at 60 days.

Website monitor – Notify After

It is now possible to set the Website monitor failures to fire after a number of minutes (up to 5minutes) This can in some situations reduce the number of notifications being sent for minor outages that resolve automatically.

Website monitor – Inverse Match

Websites monitors now support the inverse match. This check works for any HTTP and HTTPS and is used in conjunction with the HTML Match functionality. With the inverse match, the notification is triggered if the HTML content is FOUND within the website and not the other way around. Typically you would use such a check in case you are checking for Error messages that can appear or other triggers that you would like to be notified about.

These improvements come with other improvements done to our infrastructure as part of our routine updates. We also improved the WHOIS retrieval including the Expiry date retrieval of certain registrars. All this should ensure a better experience for all Netumo customers.

Get a look at these new features today by visiting

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